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Discover the language of your soul

SCI-MAA is a guided linguistic dance that allows your body to communicate, express and manifest using the sacred universal meaning of movements.

Each movement combines thematics and blocks of dance to create a language. 

There are four thematics and five primary blocks of dance movements explored thru 3 levels of SCI-MAA linguistic dance proficiency: level 01 (Beginner), level 02 (Intermediate), and level 03 (Advanced).

The Language: About


Where your vision, attention and third eye focus, the energy flows to direct the intention of the linguistic dance.

Your God, The UNIVERSE, Divinity(ies)

Spirit, what is higher

When you are looking to the sky, the stars, the sun, the moon, the infinite over your head, you are sending and receiving energy from source, "your god(s)", divinity(ies), ether, what your consider higher than yourself or a principal object of faith

The future

What comes next, what will be

When you look forward at a 60 degree angle, you are sending and receiving energy from your future, branches and leaves, expansion and manifestation

The present

What is now, what is

When you look straight ahead, you are sending and receiving energy from the present, your trunk, what you can see and sense inside and around you now

The past

What came before, what was

When you look down to the ground, you are sending and receiving energy from your past, roots and ancestors

The Language: List

Blocks of Dance

SCI-MAA is a guided linguistic dance that allows your body to communicate, express and manifest using the sacred universal meaning of movements. A language shared by all.

There are four main thematics and five blocks of dance movements.

The combination of a block of dance and a thematic creates a language.



I am bowing to/from the energy of "a thematic"

The origins of bowing are very old, yet across the world we all can feel its meaning. Bowing with eyes down is a gesture that shows deep respect for someone. It can be a form of greeting used to express deference, sincerity, humility and remorse. 

Today, it is most commonly associated with Asian culture, Buddhism and Samurai etiquette. In ancient Egypt, bowing was a symbol of respect and an important religious gesture. In Western cultures, only nobility or the aristocracy received a bow, but the tradition is no longer commonplace in modern times.

Self Healing

I am healing myself to/from the energy of "a thematic"

The hands, especially, have immense healing capability.  Self healing is done by wrapping both arms across oneself body.  It is a defensive and closed body position. It can work to feel reassured, cared, and comforted as well as showing vulnerability to those around. 

This posture is about relying on the safety and protection of oneself through caring touch. 


Healing Others

I am healing others to/from the energy of "a thematic"

In this posture, the healing capability of the healers' hands is directed towards others.  It is an open position that channels healing energy to those around the healer or dancer. 

This posture in reference to symbol is sometimes referred to as Kanaga (Dogon people, Mali) and can be found in artistic depictions across the planet. It is known as the structure of the universe and the bridge between heaven and earth. It is also an indirect reference to the Belt of Orion. It is believed to transmit the well meaning forces from the ancestor - while also giving the ancestor a bridge to peace. 

Being Grounded

I am grounding to/from the energy of "a thematic"

Seated postures are considered by many as the ideal pose for meditation. The legs are crossed with the spine vertical and lengthened.  It is a very stable posture.

This posture combined with the meditative techniques of SCI-MAA helps the "healer" to connect and root oneself into the ground beneath so that to stay focused on the present.


Defence and/or Attack

I am defending and/or attacking to/from the energy of "a thematic"

Humans have been looking to Orion’s Belt since the beginning of time.  Many different cultures describe this hunter and hero of light in a fight. 

Based on this constellation, the attack and/or defense posture is a powerful movement that builds strength and power within and outwards. 

The Language: Services
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